The Book of Revelation

This More accurately, "The revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place." Revelation 1:1

section is a work in progress and requires meticulous attention to detail. It is important that I get this right. "The Revelation From Jesus Christ That God Gave Him" is far too important to rush through. Given my busy schedule - to include writing a book that contains far more detail than the articles that appear here - every attempt will be made to post one article per week. I have received much opposition to my views and belief regarding this most important revelation from Christ. I have also received lots of positive feedback. Do I purport to be right? My answer to that is: "No more than the many who write on this subject are." It is not a matter of right and wrong or winning arguments. Emotions and egos should never enter into these types of discussions. Sadly, they do. I understand the devotion and loyalty many have to their own religious associations and beliefs. I assure you, I do not view any of you as an enemy. My warfare (our warfare) is not against flesh and blood, that is, each other. For me, it is a matter of truth and getting it right. I strongly believe that the world at large has got this wrong.