R. Jerome Harris - About Me

I am not a Christian. I used to be for more than 40 years. I preached and taught the Bible. I had to disqualify myself. Why? Because I knew deep down inside the recesses of my being that something was wrong.

Christianity had turned me into a narrow-minded, self-righteous, and judgmental jerk. I did not like the fruit it had produced in me. It definitely was not the “fruit of the spirit” the Apostle Paul spoke of at Gal 5:22-23. I looked around me and saw that many of my fellow Brethren were the same way; they exhibited an “us versus them” mentality as well. That if one had not accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior or had not joined “the Church” they were the enemy. They were the “thems.” I noticed that it was a book - The Bible - and “The Religion” that was given more prominence than the one God sent and commanded us to listen to. (Luke 9:35) This was very unsettling to me. I wanted to walk with God and obey Him. Not be in fear of men and their religions. I definitely did not was to be a book worshiper, but a worshiper of God. I did not want to follow a book men named “Bible” but rather follow the “person” that God sent, Christ Jesus. I was up against a wall; either remain in a religious system were I knew were serious issues or get out of it completely. Why was I afraid to leave? If I leave, would I lose my salvation? Would God be displeased with me? I had to go to my Father in heaven in prayer over this. I did.

While the answer did not come right away, God answered my prayer and it was not what I expected. He told me that neither He or His son raised up Christianity or any religious system on earth. He told me that “I never commanded you to be called a Christian.” He told me, “I sent you my Son, not a book.” He told me, “Do not be afraid, obey me and listen to my Son.” (Luke 9:35) I obeyed my Father in heaven and began to listen to Jesus and his teachings; not the teachings of men and their religions. My Lord and Master - Jesus Christ - taught me that he alone is “The Way, The Truth, and The Life and no one knows the way to the Father except himself and through him. (John 14:6)

Jesus taught me that his teachings and what one reads in the Bible are not the same. (Matt 5:21-48) That I am to take care not to be duped into believing that the Bible is The Word of God. He taught me that he alone is The Word of God and that there is only one God, The Father. (Revelation 19:13 and 1 Corinthians 8:6)

I asked Jesus, “But how else can I learn about you and learn from you if not for the Bible?” He told me about a promise he made to his disciples long ago that still stands to this very day. He said to me, “I have asked the Father to send you an Advocate, a Comforter, a Helper, the Spirit of Truth, The Holy Spirit and that it (not a book, not any religion) will teach me and remind me of the things that he taught his disciples long ago. (John 14:15-26)

This was an eye-opening moment for me. My Lord and Master taught me that I am to place my faith in that which I cannot see; namely, God, himself, and the invisible Holy Spirit. He said that the world walks by sight and not by faith. As such, I do not join the world in its religions, rituals, false teachings, disobedience to God, and not listening to Christ, The Messiah, The Ha Maschiach. I really listen to him. (Hebrews 11:1, John 4:24, 2 Corinthians 5:6-8)

I am a Disciple of Christ, nothing more, nothing less. No fancy titles. (Matthew 28:19-20)

This website and the accompanying YouTube channel is an effort to challenge an imposter, a fake, and a counterfeit that claims it teaches and follows Christ and to uphold and champion the teachings of Christ in the hope of drawing persons to the ascended and invisible Christ as their Teacher, Leader, Lord (Master), and Head. Thus, becoming a true disciple (student) as I am.

R. Jerome Harris